Government leaders have the risk appetite to drive transformation

A recent study by IBM suggests that government decision-makers are poised to disrupt traditional operational methods and accelerate the pace of transformational change in 2024.

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80% of government executives plan to either maintain or accelerate their organisation’s pace of transformational change in the coming year, whilst 67% say they will take more risk than the competition to maintain their competitive edge.

These are some of the findings from a new IBM study, '6 hard truths CEOs must face: how to leap forward with courage and conviction in the generative AI era'.

This marks a strong commitment to modernising public sector operations and the motivation is clear: as technology continues to advance, standing still is not an option.

Optimistic but understaffed

Government leaders are optimistic about their organisation’s readiness to integrate generative AI into their operations. However, the IBM study also highlights a significant hurdle: 54% of surveyed leaders report difficulties in filling key technology roles. This talent gap poses a substantial challenge to the successful implementation of AI initiatives. 

At the same time, sentimentality is a weakness when expertise is in short supply. The report advises cutting the dead weight by ceasing partnerships that are no longer producing results to make room for new growth. In rapid transformation, no one can be the best at everything, so defining the control government executives are willing to cede will be crucial.

Citizen trust and transparency

Transparency around the adoption of new technologies is viewed as a cornerstone of building citizen trust. The study reveals that 75% of government executives consider transparency critical for fostering trust. This insight underscores the importance of clear communication about how and why new technologies are being used, as well as their potential benefits and risks.

Furthermore, 56% of government executives say that establishing and maintaining trust will have a greater impact on their organisation’s success than any specific product or service. This highlights the growing recognition that trust is not just a byproduct of successful technology implementation but a fundamental driver of organisational success.

Good governance is essential for the effective and ethical use of AI. The IBM study highlights a significant gap in this area: while 80% of surveyed government leaders agree that trusted AI is impossible without effective AI governance, only 38% rate their current generative AI governance as good. This disparity indicates a pressing need for executives to eliminate the friction from the employee experience, invest in what will inspire change and stoke the fire with an organisational vision that encompasses AI as a means to an end. 

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