How the UK Public Sector Buys IT

Who buys? Why do they buy? What does success for them look like?

Misunderstanding the dynamics of the government technology sales cycle holds back many enterprise technology sales teams. Learn how to ask the right questions, and identify the right actors in order to build value for the UK public sector.

This eBook was put together by the General Manager of Government at GovX Digital, the organisers of the UK's largest series of public sector transformation conferences.

As a former government CIO and Executive Director, with a long career in both local and central government, he is ideally placed to give you the perspective from the other side of the table on how public sector buyers make decisions - and the common pitfalls that technology sales people make.

The UK public sector has never been in more need of the right solutions to the many challenges they face. Use this eBook as a sales training tool to generate discussion within your sales and marketing team.

Just fill in the form on this page to get your free download.

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"It's essential to understand roles and priorities in order to convert stakeholders into champions."
- Account Director, data management vendor