Policy making
Interoperability between cloud-based datasets identifies patterns informs data-driven decision making
Financial systems automation
Machine learning reviews patterns to identify potential fraud or payment delays in government activities like tax collection or procurement.
Citizen engagement
Machine learning monitors public sentiment in digital arenas like social media to generate behavioural insights
Public health
Daily Covid infection vaccination data in the UK keeps citizens informed about the basis for policy decisions
Local plans
Mapping social and environmental data allows local authorities to design geographically appropriate planning policies
The Met Office uses supercomputing, data interchange and interoperability on a global scale to significantly increase forecasting accuracy
Utilities and infrastructure
Remote sensors and satellites drive data insights that optimise delivery of public utilities like water, highways and energy
Service performance
Capturing engagement and compliance with digital services like tax returns improves workflows and Customer Experience
Neighbourhood renewal
Overlaying different datasets like employment, health and crime identifies place-specific solutions and community interventions.